
Tuesday 5 July 2016

MY blog treaty

this is a treaty for my blog to help me with my learning and for a fact about the treaty was that the British people gave the Maori chiefs a form to sign and agree with each others idea´s the treaty of Waitangi was translate but some Maori words was translated wrong so some of the treaty is a bit of a lie.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

My 24 Hour footprint

Screenshot 2016-06-28 at 2.16.25 PM.png
Do you think it would be   different if you did this  activity on a weekend?   WHY?
Yes because we can play games or YouTube because it's the weekend it's my Chromebook.

Which sites do you spend the most time on and WHY?
I mostly go on  docs because that's where my work is (drive)

Why do you think the word ‘Google’ comes up so much when looking through your history? because google owns YouTube and drive.

My Blog Tour

Tuesday 31 May 2016


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.